WATTS® Dielectric Union, 1-1/4 in Nominal, FNPT x Solder, 2-1/4 in Hex, 3 in Length, 250 psi, Brass, 180 deg F, Domestic
Domestic/Import : DomesticEnd Style : FNPT x SolderHex Size : 2-1/4 inLength : 3 inMaterial : BrassNominal Size : 1-1/4 inPressure Rating : 250 psiSeries : LF3001ATemperature Rating : 180 deg F
Maximum pressure is 250 psi (17.2 bar)Maximum temperature 180 deg F (82 deg C)Individually factory certified to withstand a minimum of 600 V on a dry line with no flashoverFemale iron pipe thread to solder connectionDesigned and manufactured to the highest quality standardsSteel adapter and nutPolysulfone insulatorThe wetted surface of this product contacted by consumable water contains less than 0.25% of lead by weight